Monday, 6 October 2008

Ade committed to the Gunners - Bischoff set to feature.

Adebayor has declined Togo's offer to represent his national team, and has cited decision making and travel arrangements as the reasons for not going, he said;

"I have told Togo's governing body they have to change how they organise trips if they want me to play again,"

"I am not retiring for good as I love my country - but I had to wait at an airport for 14 hours on my last trip. It is not normal and I can't let it happen again."

I have to say im not a fan of this 'new Adebayor' that has started to emerge over the past year, in his first few seasons he was fine, didn't speak out at all really. Now, he seem to want to have his opinion on all the front pages. In this case it is indeed good news for Arsenal but he needs to be kept under control. He had big problems at Monaco and apparently caused quite a bit of trouble and we don't need those kind of players.

Now, if you remember we have a player on our books called Amaury Bischoff. He is actually set to feature in a reserve game today! Apparently he will take part in the game as part of his rehabilitation. Lets hope he showcases his talent.

Almunia has spoken about Theo Walcott's 'mean streak'. I hoped he was going to lay the smackdown on that linesman's candy ass on Saturday, maybe next time eh?

Anyway the Spaniard said;

"Theo was too nice maybe in the last two years but this season you can see that when he gets tackled he gets furious and that shows you he has changed,"

"When he used to take a tackle he didn't reply with anything, he didn't say anything to the referee or the opposing player. He would get tackled and stay on the floor, and he would never say anything. Now I like him more on the field.

"I tried to help everybody who comes to me and Theo is very nice. Sometimes he likes to speak to more experienced players, older players like me. I just spoke with him once, I told him he had to be a bit more aggressive and not so nice on the pitch because if people can kill you they will do so."

Well i doubt Martin Laursen would bring out a sawn off shotgun to take Theo out but on todays streets i guess you have to be prepared!

I Think Theo has been great this season, he has a big future and has banished my doubts about his developments. Those England goals have done him the world of good.

Now, the international break is nigh and there is not going to be a great deal to talk about, i will however update the blog whenever i can or when a decent story has emerged.

Enjoy the nothingness.

Back soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, we just discovered that my ten month old niece has a little hole in her little heart.

My friend, who sometimes makes the posts when I can't also couldn't step in as a friend of his died via an electrick shock.

I'm somehwat back to blogging but its still not coming out right, plus blogspot's shit.