Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Kiev Preview and Guthrie reaction.

I'm not going to give the Guthrie 'tackle' the honour of being featured first on today's blog so straight onto the game tonight!

I feel this game is winnable and the Dynamo Kiev team of old is nothing like this team, although they have had a good run up to this game. Importantly for us i think the game will be a fairly open game and that gives us a massive chance with the pace of Walcott, Eboue, Adebayor and Van Persie. I think Van Persie will slot into midfield when we are defending because it means that we can dominate that area of the park and restrict Dynamo's time on the ball, and when we win the ball back we can break with devastating consequences. Man Utd won 4-2 last year and their team has probably improved since then with the new coach and they are probably a better 'team' as well, i mean that as in the players will be more of a group.

Yury Semin, Kiev's coach has said that it will be tough for Dynamo;

"Arsene Wenger's side play an easy natural game, and enjoy their football, They have many young and talented footballers, all very technically gifted."

And also about how Adebayor is key to us and aims to keep him quiet;

"We knew very well prior to this the capabilities of the Arsenal forward, But we will not be putting a man-marker on him. Adebayor plays all over the pitch, and in every zone there will be one of our players to meet him."

I think Ade will be very important going forward for us, as i said VP may well drop into midfield so he will have to hold up play and drag players out to make the spaces for Walcott and VP to work into.

This game will not be easy for us but i expect us to win, if we want to go far in this competition there are far better teams we will have to beat away from home.

The line up i predict is;




===Adebayor==Van Persie===

With the midfield dropping into this when defending;

Eboue=Fabregas=Denilson=Van Persie=Walcott

Prediction: Dynamo Kiev 1 Arsenal 3

I think Adebayor will get a goal, along with Van Persie and maybe Clichy will get his first?

Now onto the bit that's absolutely disgusted me, made the FA a laughing stock and showed blatant bias towards English players.

Danny Guthrie, you can read my thoughts on him in a previous blog but he has not had his 3 match ban added too, HE BLOKE A PLAYERS LEG OUT OF PURE FUCKING MALACE!
How is this fair? If it was a foreigner that made that tackle they would have been hit with an extra ban, remember the Carling cup final, Adebayor got sent off for an imaginary punch on the ref's part, he then pleaded his rightful innocence and got smacked with a ban on top of a 3 game ban and missed about 5 games if i remember rightly. Guthrie broke a players leg FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!

And he gets off with a 3 game ban.

Fucking idiocy.

If he ever wears an England shirt i will never ever watch the national team again.

Sorry to end on that sour note.

Id also like to point out Wighty7's and Hail Gunners blog, there a good read and worth a few minutes of your time.

Enjoy the game, til tomorrow bitches.

Let me know your thought on Guthrie's lack of punishment and Predictions/thoughts on tonights game.

Up the arse.


Anonymous said...

hey man,

I'm sorry I couldn't get around to the graphic today but I spent all morning givnig the presentation and then I came home and went to sleep and wok up at 11:55 pm :P I'd get around to it and have smtg ready by tmw.

Apologies, once again.

Anonymous said...

hey mate,

Listen, I've made a couple of samples, how should I get them to you?

Anonymous said...

and thanks for the mention mate!