Adebayor has said that he thinks the group is going to be a tough one, despite others thinking it will be fairly easy;
I think a lot of people think it’s going to be an easy one but I don’t think so. I don’t think it is going to be easy to pass through. We know that playing in Ukraine is going to be very difficult especially because their players are playing in front of their fans and will be doing everything to win the game. But we are Arsenal. We just have to believe in ourselves and, if we can, play our football. If we can stay patient, score the goals then, in the end, we’ll win the game. That’s what we’re going there for.
Adebayor also thinks that this is a very tough week for Arsenal Football Club, the first third is done but the toughest two thirds are to come;
It’s big, it’s the first time we’re going to play three times away in one week. We’ve won at Blackburn so we have to play away again. We know it’s important to win especially when you play the first leg of the Champions League away and then we travel to Bolton so yeah anyway we are just taking game after game. We go to Kiev. Let’s win that game then we can talk easily about the game at Bolton.
I think in terms of Adebayor's view's on other teams, he never underestimates them, that shows maturity and level headedness, something i think he lacked during the summer. Maybe he has learnt his summer lesson and it will spur him on to be a better player, but also keep his feet on the ground
Legend Kanu has also spoken at how Wenger changed his life, Kanu had a heart op and Wenger put faith in him and he delivered;
I think he is a true legend, outside football he is a great man that has helped many people with his various charities. He is an Arsenal great and a fantastic person.“I owe him a lot because he believed in me, He gave me self confidence and faith. And I think I paid him back because I did very well with Arsenal.
“We were all together, like a family during this period, and I scored special goals, especially against Chelsea, three in 15 minutes.
“He gave me the chance to have fun playing football and permitted me to dream on.”
Young guns has an exclusive on the 'next Freddy Adu', Charles Renken. Only 14.
Id also like to mention that cunt Guthrie, yes he has issued an apology but its for a tackle that was designed to hurt, and it resulted in a broken leg. a 6 month ban from football would sort him out. What do you think??
Right , about it for today. Back tomorrow with news and a preview.
oh well, welcome to the arsenal. isn't it freaky our players are so injury prone?
just a bit. i recon English clubs have lesser technology than the majority of European leagues tbh!
what exactly are you looking for? you want to update the header etc?
with a catchphrase of somesort?
okay, you want a header. hmm that can be done. I can use the arsenal bot and make smtg in red & white (basic stuff) then we can improvise as we go along?
just give me until tmw, I need to get this dissertation shite outta the way.
P.S I've added a new element to the blog, its right on the top towards the right. (above ade) does it look appropriate there, or should I move it a little lower down?
that bit at the top's fine mate!
pretty funny :)
Thats fine mate take as long as you need, no time limit!
thanks v much for the help
check this out
okay, till tommorow then.
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